Render, & Railway: PaaS Container Deployment in 2024

Heroku was one of the first platforms that made it easy to deploy your app without having to manage the underlying infrastructure - this was a revolution back in the days and introduced the concept of PaaS (Platform-as-a-service) to the wider developer community. The main idea was to abstract away as much of the infrastructure as possible, so developers could focus on building and deploying their applications. However, a lot of time has passed, Heroku was bought by Salesforce and has become less competitive in terms of pricing and features....

February 17, 2024 路 alex franz

Deploying Container Apps with faasd

This post will show you how to easily deploy containerized applications using faasd. Based on OpenFaas - faasd allows you to run and deploy container applications on a single host. While its big brother OpenFaas was (mainly) designed for Kubernetes-deployments, faasd is meant to be a lightweight alternative for those who just want to run a low-traffic app on one machine - ideal for side projects! I am using faasd to host personal projects like geozip: a simple webapp to search for global postalcodes....

November 22, 2022 路 alex franz

Learning to run again

Yo I鈥檓 running again. I have decided to take up on running (again) at the end of July 2021. Having been plagued by knee injuries for the past few years I did鈥檛 think I would seriously take up running and be pain-free again. It鈥檚 been about 4 months now. Those Strava activity heatmaps sure look pretty. So what changed? I actually followed a plan towards running (in contrast to the I will just run as hard as possible approach)...

November 19, 2021 路 alex franz

How to Start a New Country in the 21st century?

One of the latest tasks of Balaji鈥檚 1729 project sparked some distant memories I had almost 20 years ago: how do you start a country? I still remember it quite vividly: I received a book as Christmas present in 2002 titled Katalog der Tr盲ume. It was a hard-cover online shopping guide filled with various cool-looking products and gadgets, like digital cameras and fancy looking flip phones. It was the kind of book that made you dream of cool things....

April 16, 2021 路 alex franz

Comeback of the Charter City?

The latest edition of Dru Riley鈥檚 excellent newsletter drew my attention towards the interesting topic of charter cities. The concept is quite simple: prosperity and well-being of a country (or any community) are generally based upon having a good set of rules that allow its subjects to prosper and live well. As nations are usually to too big to have sudden changes in their existing rules, smaller organizational levels (i....

March 20, 2021 路 alex franz